Online Catalog
A collection of nonclinical studies & assays; customization is possible.

Cannulation: Bile duct (BDC studies)

Bile duct cannulation (BDC) provides insights into how compounds are metabolized and eliminated. Since bile is such a concentrated form of metabolite rich matrix, it allows easy identification and quantification of metabolites generated. This helps satisfy regulatory requirements in terms of the safety of metabolites generated, and also identifies early structural alerts that can help lead to early go/no-go decisions on the development of compounds.

Bile cannulation is often conducted when assessing the ADME and mass balance endpoints in radiolabeled studies, helping determine the rates and routes of elimination of a compound and its metabolites prior to regulatory submission for a new drug.

Bile duct cannulation: Rats

Rats do not have a gall bladder, and as such, continuously secrete bile into the gastrointestinal tract. 

Bile duct cannulation: Canines, NHPs and Mini-pigs

T-style catheter placed in common bile duct for canines and NHPs. Bile collection is continuous. Duodenal catheter placed to provide bile salt replacement.


Canine, Mini-pig, NHP, Rat

Industry Market

Device, Pharma

